5 Things I wish I considered when starting out with photography

Take a lesson from my early mistakes! When I first started out, I was like many others, full of passion and eager to try everything.  I still love learning new skills and I am still very much a student of learning this trade.  However, there are things that I wish I had simply taken the time to consider. 

1.       Photoshop will not fix everything

Photoshop can only enhance a photo.  It is no substitute for a poor photograph straight out of camera.  It is ALWAYS better to get a good technically strong photograph in Photoshop.  Honestly, when I first started out, I loved editing more than shooting.  (I still kind of do).  While this natural bent of mine helped me learn a ton in Photoshop it did not help become a better photographer.  While I still believe editing is so important and it can really make a photograph sing, it is still more important to get a good photograph straight out of camera.  So, take the time to learn proper white balance, the exposure triangle, focus, depth of field, and start taking photos in raw.

callihan photography, columbus indiana photographers

2.       Visualize your shot beforehand

Story telling is a huge part of photography.  Think about what you want to convey and how to best convey that motive. What has helped me with this is looking at cinematography.  Think about composition and color.  With composition, do you want it to be peaceful or uncomfortable? How do colors make you feel?  How do you want people to feel when they look at your photograph? How can you separate and highlight your subject? Do you want this photo to be moody or light and airy? Think about your light. When I do this it instantly creates a better photograph.  When I first started, I got lucky often, but I was so busy trying things that I didn’t really consider these elements.  Just this idea will take your photography to a new level.   

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3.       Light matters

Look at your subject.  Are they well lit? If they are not, there is no saving their skin tone in Photoshop. I often look at the position of the sun and use the palm of my hand to find the best light. Catch lights in your subjects’ eyes can really help bring life to your subject.  Shadows can add dimension.  Light can add to the mood or it can be flat and boring.  If it is flat and boring, you’re going to have to rely on things like interesting composition and color to help bring life and interest to your photos. When I first started out, I used midday sun a lot.  While yes, it is very convenient to take photos in the middle of the day. However, hard light is difficult to work with well.  It also saturates colors and casts colors on skin that is hard to get rid of.  

columbus indiana photographers, Callihan photography

4.       Slow down

You’re nervous and your subjects are impatient and twitchy (well the little kids usually are).  You know what’s more important than being super-efficient?  Good technical skills and getting a good photo right out of the camera.  If this takes a little longer to get your settings right, then take the time and do it!  I was in such a hurry, and always felt rushed and out of control.  It is ok to slow down, or to say “oh no I missed that, can we redo it! I think it is worth getting right.” Take your time to look at the whole picture fully.  Take in the details, and the light.  Is your client’s hair out of place? Would this photograph look better if this branch wasn’t going through your client’s head? Would it be a better story if you took off this child’s shoes?  

callihan photography, columbus, indiana photographer

5.       Do not be afraid to step up the ISO

A grainy photograph is still better than a blurry one.  Let that sink in.  If you must crank up your ISO to keep your shutter speed up, then do it!  Don’t be afraid of a high ISO.  It might be worth it, and Photoshop and lightroom can help clean up some of the grain.  I prefer lightroom to take care of noise in a photo.  I use the Luminance slider on the Detail panel.  When I first started, I was afraid to go above 400.  Now I use a pretty high ISO when necessary.  Noise is a sacrifice I’m willing to make to avoid a blurry photo.  

columbus indiana, apple works in Indiana, photography

Essentially there is no substitute for a strong photo straight out of the camera.  Take time and learn all that you can. I hope this was useful. Thanks for reading!


Your Vacation Guide to the Smokey Mountains

If you have not been to Gatlinburg, Tennessee you need to go!  The smokey mountains are beautiful and there is so much to do! My husband and I took a short getaway recently without the kids, but there are plenty of family friendly things to do.  The cabins are always reasonably priced, and they are located with beautiful views and minutes away from downtown things to do. The drive through the park alone is worth it! There are tons of places to pull off and admire the view.  

Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Travel Photography, Landscape photography,

We went to Clingman’s dome.  The hike is a paved way to an amazing view! It is somewhat steep but very doable! There is a tower at the top and the view is beautiful.

Clingmans dome, travel photo, Gatlinburg, TN
Clingman’s dome, Travel Photography, landscape photography, Gatlinburg, TN

We stopped by Elkmont ghost town. I found it to be a photographer’s dream! Full of interesting angles and textures. I could’ve spent hours there exploring. We visited midday so the sun didn’t give the pictures the atmosphere it deserves.  Maybe this spot deserves a revisit sometime in our future, but maybe that’s just me.

We went up the Gatlinburg Skylift park, where you ride a ski lift up the mountain.  There is a suspension bridge at the top which has glass floor panels in the middle.  It is not for the faint of heart if you are afraid of heights.  I didn’t have my big camera up there, which was unfortunate.  I was terrified of dropping it!

We drove on the Tail of the Dragon! Which is 318 curves in 11 miles.  Let me tell you, I never want to do that again! I was so carsick afterwards! If you get motion sick this one is not for you. But it was a once in a lifetime experience that was worth it.  However, NEVER AGAIN!!!

Panning Car, Gatlinburg, TN Travel Photography,

On the way home we went by Cumberland falls.  This was a worthwhile stop! The falls are beautiful, and it was a good break from driving.

The weather was absolutely perfect the whole time we were there! However, on the way back we were hit hard with rain. I took pictures out the window the whole time. They turned out to be some of my favorite landscapes. The sky was rolling! I loved every minute.

Thanks for reading.

Self portrait, Columbus, Indiana Photographer

5 Must Have Photos for Summertime!

1.       Icecream!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICECREAM! This is one that just screams childhood. Homemade popsicles work great as well. Keep in mind what your child’s favorite icecream is, and then try to dress them in a color that would complement it! For instance, if you know your kid loves mint chocolate chip, dress her in pink and go with pastels! Or Red for a complimentary color.   Does your child love rainbow sprinkles? Dress him or her in bright colors to make them pop! Then hand them that cone and make sure to capture all that sticky goodness as it melts down their arms!

Summer time photo ideas Columbus Indiana family photographer

2.     Kite Flying!

As the winds change and the weather gets hotter, it’s a perfect time to capture Kite flying! Use the kites in creative ways to frame your subject. You can get a low perspective to show just how high that kite is flying.  Use a quick shutter speed and make sure not to blow any highlights if you shoot in midday. Keep the storytelling in mind as well as composition.

Callihan photography, Columbus, IN 47201 family photographer

3.       Strawberries, and other summer fruit!

Watermelon, strawberries, oranges, cherries, blueberries, and peaches! Go to your local u-pick farmers market and make sure to capture the fun!  This is the perfect time of year to think about seasonal food. If you garden- even better!! Capture all the details involved with picking, washing, eating, and drooling! Yum!

Columbus, Indiana photographer, strawberries summer photo ideas

4.       Parks!

Whether it’s national parks or just your local playground, summer is a perfect time to freeze all those moments.  Get brave and take your camera out in public!  (I’m encouraging that as much for you as I am for myself!) Slides and swings provide a nostalgic scene or childhood you will not want to forget.  Consider thoughtfully how high those monkey bars are, or how fast they jump out of the swing. There are so many great story telling opportunities.

Family photographer, Columbus, Indiana, parks and rec photo ideas

5.     Flowers!

This one is so simple, but there are flowers everywhere in the summer! My favorite are phlox and cosmos for photos. But you can use any you see fit! Put your subject against a beautiful backdrop of flowers or get a photo of your child picking those weeds.  Set up those flowers for your own still life or try your hand at some macro photography.  Whether it’s your child making a wish on a dandelion or picking a handful of those beautiful flowers you just planted this spring, you will want to remember it! Don’t let life just slip by, slow it down with photography!

Flower photography, Columbus, Indiana family photographer, child photographer, details, ideas for summer

Thanks for reading!