Top 5 Things to Photograph for Spring

Spring time is a perfect time for photography! The weather is cool and not too hot yet, the flowers are starting to bloom, the sun is starting to shine more. Here are some ideas of things to photograph in the spring time.

Flowering trees

This time of year, the trees start to bud and turn green.  Forsythia bushes start blooming in yellow bursts. Magnolia trees are one of the first things to blossom around this time of year.  It only lasts a short period of time, so be sure to get out there and get your pictures done!



Farmers hate them, photographers love them! Weeds start springing up everywhere! Dandelions, and henbit are some of the first things to start sprouting.  There is nothing better than that classic kid photo of them making a wish on a dandelion.  As days get longer you will have more and more light to work with.  Make the best of it!  


Outside Time

Finally!! After months of being stuck indoors, the kids can run wild and free! Be sure to capture those happy kid faces.


Baby animals

I think this is just a springtime standard.  Baby animals just signify spring.  Maybe it has to do with Easter- new life and such.  Anyhow, we usually start with new chickens in the spring. It is always a must to capture new chickens.     


Stormy Skies

The weather gets a little crazy in the springtime.  Warm fronts move in, there is always a lot of wind and rain.  Wind in the hair always adds movement and interest to an image. Sometimes you can catch an interesting and stormy sky!  Especially just after a good rain.  Just make sure to protect your camera from getting wet! I have a rain cover that I use sometimes, but a Walmart sack will work too in a pinch!


These are just some of my ideas for spring. Spring is a perfect time for a photo shoot, so contact me if you’d like to set one up!

Thanks for reading!