Callihan Photography-Columbus Indiana Photographer

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Thoughts from Quarantine

Hi there! I thought I would take a slight detour from photography to discuss these crazy times we are living in. I hope you all are staying healthy. 

First, I wanted to express how grateful I am for those who work outside the home, putting others wellbeing over their own. We see you, and we are so thankful for you!  I hope you feel appreciated not only from your communities but also your families.  

Second, if you are feeling anxious or lonely or depressed know that you are not alone.  Be brave enough to reach out.  Get the help you need.  Get the prayer you need.  Get the encouragement you need.  This is indeed a strange time we are living in.  Be brave and bold, and I think that once you put it all into the light it will not have nearly the power you think it does.    

Third, I wanted to take the time to say to everyone “we need to just enjoy being still”.  Sometimes it is hard to be alone with your thoughts.  Sometimes it is hard to take a break from this busy life we all get caught up in.  I hope you are spending time just being still.  Take it in.  Let your thoughts and feelings sink in. Spend your time being productive, but also rest! Be grateful for the things and people you do have in your life. Take this time to really reflect on God, and your family and your own thoughts and feelings. I know it feels like we have been doing this quarantine thing a long time.  But believe it or not this will pass, and things WILL get back to normal.  I hope you are seeing the unexpected blessings of this time. 

I am still booking sessions for the future! I hope you are all thriving!  Please reach out to me if you need anything photography related, or if you need prayer, or encouragement.  Remember, this is only momentary.

Thanks for reading!